“Pride", Babies, & Elections

Happy 4th of July!

Toward the close of a month celebrating “Pride”, a glimmer of light came as the country was astounded by the news of the historic reversal of Roe vs Wade. As Young Republicans, we are elated that Roe has finally fallen, and we would like to consider a few takeaways.  

The decision of the Dobbs vs Jackson case is intrinsically tied to marriage

Just under 50 years ago the Supreme Court of the USA determined that abortion was a constitutionally protected right. With the result of the Dobbs case, the court has stopped reading things into the constitution that were never there in the first place, and thankfully no longer protects abortion as a constitutional right. If that can happen to abortion, what will it mean for the future of marriage? Should our law protect the ability of people to do as they wish as long as it's “private” or should it only protect actions that are good?

Conservatives want something different

It’s no secret that a large reason the court looks like it does today is because of the work of former President Donald Trump. At the heart of Trump's campaign and presidency was the idea that the country needed a different kind of politician. How would the election have looked six or two years ago if conservatives could have foreseen the results of the Dobbs case? Fast forward to today, we had the most ever Young Republicans win in the June North Dakota Primary. With over half of them from Generation Z, it is clear Gen Z is on the move. They have already experienced firsthand the disastrous effects of laws like Roe and want to do something about it. Watch the video below as Rep. Cole Christensen talks about the astronomical effect of abortion on his generation.

North Dakota Republicanism is incompatible with “Pride”

A deeply red state, North Dakota has long been a champion for life, yet homosexual marriage is legal in ND. Down to one clinic performing abortions, ND has been a part of the five other states that have reduced the opportunities for abortions. We should continue to fight for the most vulnerable, but we also must fight for the families that nurture those lives.

A key tenant of ND Republican politics, our NDGOP platform reads on the matter, “Traditional American families should be encouraged and supported by policies to nurture strong marriages consisting of one man and one woman, to support moral values… We acknowledge the immutable biological reality of, and the differences between, the two sexes, male and female, as well as their unique and complementary functions, to be the foundation for natural human life.” 

The family (not the government, as liberals would like you to think) is the basis of society. If we support policies that weaken the family, we weaken our state and our country. Conserving what has made America great starts with this God-given institution.

Work to be done

The ruling of the Dobbs case does not end abortion altogether. It is still up to elected officials' interpretation of the laws already set in place to pass guiding legislation for each state. The question of the sanctity of life, the purpose of procreation, and the desired end result will all be on the table, so let’s talk!

It is during this celebratory time that we at NDYR want to affirm our gratitude for the win for life and commend those who have worked to make this court decision a reality. As a part of our resounding support for life and commitment to preserving our party platform, we offer this resolution to close out the month of June.

Together we can keep America great.

Now blast off those fireworks and celebrate our first freedom from overseas tyrants.

Our hard work and dedication are continuing to reap fruit! Join us as we again commit to "Recruit, Train, Elect" the next generation of conservatives.  

Signup or donate today at NDYR.org/Take-Action

We Are The Future - The Future Is Now

Until next time,

Your NDYR Leadership Team