North Dakota Young Republicans Statement on Republican Cancel Culture

Cancel culture has become the norm for addressing conflict. We can not grow by negation, it won’t take long before there is nothing left. We must talk about what faces us, because truth is found through words.

For this reason, the North Dakota Young Republican Leadership Team is committed to fostering civil discourse among our members. We provide a platform that aligns with our mission: to recruit, train, and elect young Republicans.

  • NDYR rejects racial, sexual, and religious supremacy of any form. We reject the use of degrading and harmful slurs. We continue to stand with the NDGOP platform to defend traditional family values.

  • We condemn the political weaponization of labels from the media and government against politically active Americans regardless of their political ideology.

  • We refute the libel cancel culture that has been attached to the Young Republicans. We support free speech that's guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. Free speech means you can say what is on your mind without fear of legal action, but freedom requires responsibility. The comments in question from non-dues paying participants do not represent the organization as a whole.

We believe the path to a better North Dakota is not via slander, but through dialogue and the constant pursuit of virtue. Yet we know virtues are cultivated, not canceled.

Yours truly and mutually pledged,

The North Dakota Young Republican Leadership Team