Chairman's Update: Spring 2022

Another successful North Dakota Young Republicans spring season is behind us.

My mind is fixed on the political climate of the past season, and now that tax day has come and gone and my day job is more manageable, I have set my hand to writing it out.

A little review. Closing out 2021, I represented NDYR at the December NDGOP State Committee Meeting.  Amidst a tumultuous district reorg process, the other notable agenda item dealt with the member and voting status of the YR and CR representatives on the committee.  After discussion, the youth remained on the committee but lost voting status.  We issued a press release that can be found here. I will continue to attend meetings, where I will VOCALLY represent the YR values for our state (which, coincidentally, happen to be the same values as the Republican party platform).    

After this meeting, which was shortly before Christmas I might add, I ended up at a press conference, appeared on No Apologies, and was interviewed on the radio twice, once with Daryl Lies of ND Farm Bureau for KFYR Cafe. Again, all of this happened within the two weeks before Christmas, during which time I attended my grandpa’s funeral and then started a two-week road trip vacation.

Starting 2022, in the first week of the new year, I attended a grassroots training event and spoke briefly about the YR presence in the state.

We continued January with a bang, holding our annual NDYR State Convention.  This was my first convention to plan & host as the State Chair for YR.  It was a great experience, holding a full lineup of phenomenal speakers on a variety of topics, updating our bylaws, and connecting with our members.  During our convention, we adopted two important Resolutions, found here.  Most notable, we adopted the Resolution drafted by our National Committeeman Cole Christensen, which he recently saw unanimously passed as D24 House representative in the Special Legislative Session, reaffirming parents as primary stakeholders in their children’s future.   

Next, leading up to the District 8 endorsing convention (my district), I had a fun time as the moderator & MC for a candidate panel discussion.  We covered a great list of questions from the audience, allowing the candidates ample opportunity to develop and express their views to the D8 constituents.  Thanks to NDYR SW Region Co-Chair, Bo Rath, for hosting. 

The SW Region also hosted an event in the Western Region, featuring our SW Region Co-Chair, Kord, giving his stump speech for the D39 Senate race.  We employed one of our most effective methods of gathering people together, English Country Line Dancing, once again for this event. 

Towards the end of District Convention Season (Jan-March), I was pleased to give the nominating speech for an up-and-coming YR, Brandon Prichard, for the District 8 House Race.  He, along with two other great candidates, was overwhelmingly endorsed at the convention.  Another new YR, Matt Heilman, was endorsed at his district convention to run as the new D7 House Candidate, filling the seat of the retired Rep. Rick Becker.  

The beginning of April led to another first, our NDYR Reception at the NDGOP 2022 State Convention.  We had a record attendance of YRs in the room, with an overwhelming amount of first-time convention attendees for a grand total of around 2300 candidates.  Another big first, we had our first YR take the podium to give a seconding speech, bringing a new YR face to the NDGOP at large.  It was Emma Peterson’s first public speaking appearance and she took command of the crowd, receiving numerous rounds of applause. 

As this spring draws to a close, we collectively turn our faces to the June 14th primary race.  In ND, where “Red Rules”, the primary is the real race.  Like it or not, the real battle is rarely between the Red & Blue, but between Big Tent Republicans (if we can call them that), vs the Grassroots Conservatives.  

North Dakota Young Republicans will continue to fulfill our mission to “Recruit, Train, Elect” and to uphold the NDGOP party platform. 

I’m here for it. 

— Daryle Mindeman,

NDYR State Chairman