The 2019 North Dakota Young Republican State Convention will take place on November 15th & 16th, 2019.
NDYR State Convention:
November 15th @ 5pm (Friday) Social & Dinner Featuring Senator Kevin Cramer
November 16th @ 10am (Saturday) Convention
Featured Speakers:
Former Governor Ed Schafer
US Senator Kevin Cramer
Public Service Commissioner Brian Kroshus
State Auditor Josh Gallion
State Legislator Rick Becker
Ramkota Hotel (Just across from the Kirkwood Mall)
800 S 3 rd St
Bismarck, ND 58504
We hope to see you there! If you have questions, please contact NDYR Chairman Reed Christensen at 701-320-2552.
SCHEDULE: Friday, Nov. 15th
REGISTRATION - 4:30-5:00
SOCIAL HOUR - 5:00-6:00
Prayer - Rep. Luke Simons
DINNER - 6:00-6:30
Senator Kevin Cramer - 6:30
CONVENTION Saturday, Nov. 16th, 10am-5pm
REGISTRATION - 9:00 - 10:00
1. Call to Order 10:00
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Speaker: Brian Kroshus
5. Secretary’s Report: Secretary Orrin Burch
A. Call for Quorum & Credentials Report
B. Approve the Agenda
6. Reports.
A. Chairman’s Report: Reed Christensen
B. Policy Director’s Report: Raheem Williams
C. Treasurer’s Report: Daryle Mindeman
D. National Committee Report: Andrea Toman & Jared Hendrix
7. Bylaws
A.) Amendments
8. Luncheon with Ed Schafer - 12:00
9. Short break: 1:35 - 1:45
10. Rules Committee Report
11. Election of Officers
A. Chairman
B. Vice-Chairman
C. Treasurer
D. Secretary
E. National Committeeman
F. National Committeewoman
G. Policy Director
H. Region Chairs (break into regions)
12. Other Statewide Candidates
13. Speaker: Josh Gallion
14. Keynote Speaker: Rick Becker
15. Other Business.
16. Adjourn - 4:15